Ubuntu 21.04 kernel build packages

Recently I had to build an Ubuntu 21.04 kernel in a fresh installation: every time I setup a new PC that will also be used for kernel building I’m usually missing a few packages to have the kernel properly built and this time there was no exception.

It’s a bit disappointing since I usually realize this once the build has failed, losing precious time, so I’ve decided to write down all the needed packages to be installed:

Ubuntu 21.04 kernel

apt install Ubuntu 21.04 kernel build packages

sudo apt install build-essential binutils-doc debian-keyring g++-multilib
g++-10-multilib gcc-10-doc gcc-multilib autoconf automake libtool flex
bison gcc-doc gcc-10-multilib gcc-10-locales glibc-doc git bzr
libstdc++-10-doc make-doc diffutils-doc autoconf-archive gnu-standards autoconf-doc gettext
git-email libncurses-dev pkg-config libssl-dev libelf-dev libdwarf-dev
dwarves zstd

Probably there are a few more packages than what really needed (e.g. git-email), but they could be useful for other related operations (e.g. sending a patch).