SchoolClassOrganizer Manager

SchoolClassOrganizer Manager is an application for simplifying the management of the communications towards a group of people (in the following paragraphs, referred as class). Clicca qui per la versione in Italiano del manuale.

SchoolClassOrganizer Manager

This application is aimed at the manager of the group, while the members of the group should use the companion client application SchoolClassOrganizer.

School Class Organizer Manager is available at the Google Play Store, or you can scan the following QR Code to download.

SchoolClassOrganizer Manager QR code

The application requires a Google account.

The Class

The main element of the application is the Class.

The class is composed of a Manager (you!) and a group of people (the Members), added by the Manager. The Manager is the only one allowed to send communications to the Members and to manage the various activities of the Class, as described in the following paragraphs.

SchoolClassOrganizer Manager Credits System

Before looking at the different operations available to the manager, it’s useful to understand the Credits System available in SchoolClassOrganizer Manager.

Each operation requires a certain variable number of credits to be processed: after the first sign-up you receive 5 credits to start. When an operation requires more credits than the ones available, a padlock icon is shown.

You can unlock more credits by clicking on the padlock icon and watching an advertisement: the available number of credits is shown in the Profile screen.

The profile screens can be reached by clicking the Settings menu item:

Menu Item Settings

It shows your account and the number of available credits. It is possible also to revoke your account if you don’t want to use the application anymore.

Profile Screen

SchoolClassOrganizer Manager: creating a Class

From the Classes screen: click on the + button to start the Class creation:

Classes Screen

Fill the fields in the Class Creation screen and press the Save button:

Class Creation Screen

The phone number is optional: fill that just if you want to share it with the Class Members.

Once created the Class, click on the Class name for going to the Class screen:

Classes Screen with a Class

SchoolClassOrganizer Manager: Class Screen

The class screen is divided into tabs, each one described in the following paragraphs.

Class screen: Home

The Home tab shows the information shared with the class Members. Clicking on the Edit button it is possible to change the Class name and/or the phone number. Note that the Manager mail address is always shared with the Members.

Class Screen Home Tab

Class screen: Members

The Members tab can be used for inviting someone to join the class. Press the + button, to add the new member:

Class Screen Members Tab

In the Member Creation screen, add the gmail address of the new member to be invited and press the Save button:

Member Creation screen

Once added, you should wait for the invite to be confirmed. An icon near the member mail shows the status of the invite:

Class Screen Members tab with entries
  • A question mark means that the member has not yet accepted or declined the invite.
  • A thumb-up means that the invite has been accepted: the member can now receive communications from the manager.
  • A thumb-down means that the invite has been refused.

It is possible to remove a member from a class by clicking on the member and pressing the Remove button:

Member Removal screen

If a member has refused the invite, it is possible to invite him again by clicking on the member and pressing the Invite button:

Member invite screen

Class screen: Pending and Completed

These tabs show the Communications sent to the class members: the Pending tab shows the ongoing ones, while the Completed tab the ones which have been marked as completed.

To create a new communication, click on the + button in the Pending tab:

Class screen Pending tab

In the Create Communication screen choose the type of communication:

  • Simple message: a message with just some informative content.
  • Message with due-date: a message with informative content and an expiration date.
  • Message with payment: a message with informative content, an amount of money and an expiration date.

Once chosen the type of message, fill the remaining fields and press the Save button:

Create Communication screen

The Members of the class will receive a notification related to the communication.

Each communication is characterized by an icon:

  • A message for a simple communication
  • A clock for a communication with due-date
  • A banknote for a communication with payment
Communications pending list

Clicking on a communication shows the interactions it had with the class members.

  • A red line with a closed envelope means that the communication has not been read by the user.
  • A purple line with an open envelope means that the communication has been read by the user.
  • Depending on the communication type a check sign is also possible, meaning that the member has marked the activity described by the communication as completed (e.g. a payment has been executed).

When the communication can be considered as done, click on the Mark as completed button to move it to the Completed list:

Communication marked as completed
List of completed communications

The communications with a due-date will be automatically marked as completed after the due-date.

In the Communication Creation screen, clicking on the Edit icon it is possible to modify the communication content or delete it.