Telit ME910G1 ECM Linux composition 0x110b support added to Linux kernel

Telit ME910G1 ECM composition (0x110b) serial port support has been added to driver option with patch “USB: serial: option: add ME910G1 ECM composition 0x110b” and should be available since Linux kernel version 5.6-rc7.

Telit ME910G1 ECM

Telit ME910G1 Modem

ME910G1 is the new Qualcomm 9205-based LTE IoT modem, following 3GPP Release 14 and supporting Cat M1 and NB2. It is specifically tailored for IoT applications, offering optimized power consumption and enhanced coverage. The same PID is also used for the ME310G1, even more optimized in size.

Telit ME910G1 ECM Composition 0X110b

This composition is made of a diagnostic port (USB interface #0), two modem ports responsive to AT commands (#1, #2) and a CDC-ECM network interface, automatically bound to the cdc_ether driver.

The ECM composition is mainly targeted to low-end Linux systems where there’s no chance to use the default rmnet composition 0x110a (or the features provided by the rmnet device are not needed).

Previous Telit ME910G1 developments are described in article “Telit ME910G1 Linux support composition 0X110a available“.